
AshWork, short for Activated Spaces Healing Work, was developed and is taught by Rudy Hunter. It is a gentle, non-invasive energy work technique used in person or remotely for addressing various situations, difficulties or problems. AshWork calms the parasympathetic nervous system, helps the client shift unwanted patterns, and supports healing. This technique is also safe for animals.

Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing (laying-on-of-stones) may be done in person or by distance. An energetic assessment is performed prior to, or at the beginning of, the session. Based on the results of the assessment, healing crystals are selected and placed in a layout on and around the client’s body. The client relaxes while the crystals and practitioner do the work.

Crystal healing bodywork sessions are deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. The crystals assist with realignment of body frequencies (in the human electromagnetic field or aura), benefit the client’s emotional state, and facilitate spiritual growth. When done in person, they are a minimal contact (and clothing on) healing therapy session. When done remotely, the sessions are just as healing, relaxing and therapeutic because energy and energy healing transcends location, time and space.

Crystal Grids combine the energy of crystals selected for their special properties. The crystals are selected, cleansed, charged and arranged in geometric patterns to amplify the energy of a specific intention to bring about a desired result.

Crystal Grid

Emotional Freedom Techniques

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a gentle and powerful healing tool that involves tapping on specific acupressure points while holding a strong emotional focus. 

The general principle behind EFT is that negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system; balance can be restored by tapping on the meridian points.

EFT (or “Tapping") substantially reduces or completely eliminates various emotional issues such as anger, overwhelm, low self-esteem, fear, worry and anxiety.  It has a very high level of success in resolving psychological issues, painful memories and limiting beliefs.  EFT can also be used to relieve physical pain, stress and many other issues.

Quantum Energetic Disciplines™

Quantum Energetic Disciplines  were founded and developed by Jo Dunning.  These disciplines include the Quick Pulse Technique© and the Advanced Pulse Technique©.  The Quick Pulse and the Advanced Pulse Techniques are new ways to help change things you would like to have different in your life.  These advanced energy processes work by using the Quick Pulse or Advanced Pulse energy to clear the cause of the unwanted symptom or experience.

The Quick Pulse Technique© is an exciting new way to help make rapid life changes.  The Quick Pulse is very effective in resolving fears, phobias, and difficult life experiences.  This technique will help clear limiting beliefs, physical conditions, fears, low self-esteem, unwanted personality traits, financial issues, and many other limiting life experiences.

The Quick Pulse Session: Prior to a Quick Pulse session, the client will create a list of things they would like to have different in their life.  During the session, the items on the list will be cleared one at a time.  The contents of the client’s list may be kept private (not disclosed to the Practitioner) during the session. Quick Pulse sessions are conducted by phone and last about 30 minutes.  The contents of all sessions are kept confidential.

What to expect after a Quick Pulse Session: During the session, the Quick Pulse energy will get started working on the items on the client’s list.  Many clients report that they notice a change in one or more items during the Quick Pulse session, and most clients notice additional results after the session. The Quick Pulse energy will continue to clear the items on the client’s list for days, weeks and even months after the session.

The Advanced Pulse Technique© is a very powerful technique that works in a laser-like manner to resolve issues.  It creates rapid changes in various areas including health, happiness, business, relationships, and spiritual growth.

The Advanced Pulse Session: Prior to an Advanced Pulse session the client will create a list of things they would like to have different in their life.  During the session, the client will discuss the contents of their list with the Practitioner.  Advanced Pulse sessions include dialogue between the client and Practitioner about the item on the client’s list, Advanced Pulse energy work, and a review/recap of the items covered during the session.  Advanced Pulse sessions are conducted by phone and last about 60 minutes.  The contents of all sessions are kept confidential.

What to expect after an Advanced Pulse Session:  During the session, the Advanced Pulse energy will get started working on the items on the client’s list.  Many clients report that they notice a change in the items addressed during the Advanced Pulse session due to the laser-like application of the Advanced Pulse energy.  Clients notice additional results long after the session. The Advanced Pulse energy will continue to clear the items on the client’s list for days, weeks and even months after the session.

The QED Surrogate Technique is a technique used to work on a child, an animal, a person who is unconscious, or otherwise unable to participate in a session.


Quantum-Touch, founded and and developed by Richard Gordon, is a powerful energy healing modality that helps the practitioner deliver Life Force Energy to the client.

Quantum-Touch website

Disclaimer: The information made available on this site and during private appointments is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to replace or be construed as medical care, medical advice or a medical diagnosis. Any application of this material is done at your discretion and is your sole responsibility.