Debra Cummings

This is another post about an inspiring person, and in this case, it is Debra Cummings. I’m currently enrolled in her program called “Manifestation Mastery”. In the program we work (well, that’s exactly the wrong word) on manifesting our big dreams. To put it a different way, we don’t work at all on our dreams; instead, we identify our dreams, get out of our own way, and allow those dreams to come into being. (I don’t believe this course is open to the public at this time, so I won’t go into detail about it.)

I know Debra through other work she did in one of her past lives (so to speak). Several years ago, we both lived in the same county and attended the same workshops. She was my teacher, indirectly, reading and providing feedback on work I submitted for a certification program. Later, I was excited to hear that she embarked on her own solo journey as an energy practitioner and manifestation teacher.

Debra’s work is constantly evolving into something new and different each time she offers something to her students/workshop participants. I especially enjoy learning from her because she uses her own experiences as an example of how she learned what she teaches. She’s been through many hard times, as most of us have, but she’s had some miraculous experiences and unbelievable breakthroughs along the way. When teaching, she describes experimenting with different ways of working through problems or finding the best way to move from Point A to Point B. Then, when she finds the best way, she tells us about the experience so we can re-create it for ourselves.

I love attending her workshops and gatherings because there is a small group feel to it (much like I had with Louise Taylor, as described in a previous post). Deb often has time to connect with you one-on-one and you can get your questions answered. Her workshops are casual, fun and low stress.

Debra is also an artist, and works her energy practitioner skills into her creations. She creates unique inspirational art pieces with titles such as “Success”, “Miracles”, “Serenity” and “Gratitude”. Then she embeds the artwork with the positive energy of that word/trait/characteristic (e.g. success) 111 times. The energized art is available in prints, scarves, tote bags, etc. on her website at Inner Vision Art.

Deb is a huge animal lover. Check out her website with cute animal photos and other offerings here. You can also connect to Debra through her Facebook group, Soul Notes.

The Grey School of Wizardry

I’m enrolled here, and am going to start this post by clarifying that the Grey School of Wizardry is a REAL SCHOOL. It is an online school (they’re working on a program to allow students to attend live on campus at Highspire) that teaches several subjects in the esoteric arts. Yes, it was partially inspired by Harry Potter’s Hogwarts and is like that in various ways (and they do allow people under 18 to enroll), but they do teach real magic(k).

The Grey School of Wizardry (GSW) was founded by Oberon Zell in 2004, so they’re (we’re) celebrating the 20th anniversary this year. Oberon Zell-Ravenheart was the founder and, until 2022, the Headmaster of GSW. Adeptus Oberon Zell is a fascinating person, and he’s still active in the school. He collaborated with several authors and magical practitioners to write the Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard and Companion for the Apprentice Wizard. Both books are highly rated and used as texts at GSW.

I absolutely love this award-winning mini-documentary on Adeptus Oberon Zell (the Wizard OZ).

GSW has over 500 classes spanning across sixteen departments of study, including Wizardry, Healing, Psychic Arts, Wortcunning, Divination, Alchemy, Ceremonial Magicks, and Dark Arts (also known as “DADA”, or Defense Against the Dark Arts). If you enroll as an Apprentice, you select your major (e.g. one of the sixteen departments of study) and a minor (if desired) after you complete your first year. Your first year doesn’t necessarily take 12 months to complete. You can complete your Year 1 studies in less time if you commit to it, or you can take longer (like me). I’ve been enrolled for a few years and am just now completing my first year studies.

As mentioned above, GSW is mostly an online school, but there are other ways to attend. Beginning in 2026, GSW will offer a Boarding program for interested Apprentices. They’ve been working on this program for quite a while, and they regularly provide updates (with photos showing progress on building, etc.) on their Discord server and in various GSW meetings. In addition, there is a virtual GSW campus in Second Life.

We had fun this evening on our GSW campus in Second Life! I represented my Lodge by participating in a Berserker tournament. There’s a lot in those two sentences, so let me break it down: Second Life is a virtual environment where you (as an avatar) can walk around and interact with others. GSW has a virtual campus in Second Life, so you can actually attend some classes live in on GSW’s campus and in GSW’s virtual classroom. GSW Apprentices in Second Life must wear the school uniform and abide by GSW rules (reasonable things like no bullying). (Note: everyone at GSW has a title. There are Apprentices, Prefects, Deans, a Headmaster, etc.) GSW’s virtual campus is accessible to GSW staff and enrolled Apprentices only (and Magisters, which is a different thing). Grounds on the campus are beautiful with virtual lodges, a store, and other buildings. I’ve actually only been on campus a few times in the past few days while getting ready for the Berserker tournament.

Here’s my Second Life avatar in my GSW uniform. I’m in the Stones Lodge (Circle of the Standing Stones), and our Lodge color is green, so we wear green ties.

Back to the Berserker tournament! Berserker is a strategy-based video game for (one or) two players that’s available in only in Second Life as far as I know. I can only find one video that explains and demonstrates it:

I believe our Headmaster bought this game for us to play on campus at GSW, and staff decided it would be fun to set up a tournament with the four Lodges competing against each other.

So tonight we played the first round of the tournament. We played on a GIANT BOARD on tournament grounds in front of a crowd. The Headmaster was in attendance and called the games while we played. Our Lodge had two players and our opponents from the Waters Lodge had two players. My teammate played one of the players from the Waters Lodge first. I snapped this photo from my laptop while I sat in the (virtual) bleachers while he played. (Note: I’ve removed names for privacy; however, we do use magickal names at GSW.)

You can see my teammate on the podium on the left. The Headmaster is directly across from me, sitting in a chair and narrating the action (although this photo was taken before the first game started). The Berserker board is like a giant chess board, and the pieces are way bigger than life-sized for the tournament. The guy in the black GSW uniform is a fellow Apprentice who came to watch the tournament. Others watched the livestream of the games in Discord. (The various arrows you see on my screen are controls that move your head or the camera angle.)

The photo below shows my teammate and myself on the podium after the game. Unfortunately we lost to the Waters Lodge. We were subsequently eliminated (or, as the Headmaster referred to it, we were “voted off the island”). The Waters Lodge will go on to play the winner of the next match, and those two teams will play in the championship. I believe the winning team wins merits for their Lodge and tuition for one year at GSW.

Anyway, it was super fun and I’m hoping we do much better next year. Not that anyone asked, but, in my defense, I only had one day to actually practice!

Here’s the link to the Grey School of Wizardry. You can reach out if you have questions.

Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Practitioner Course

This is the first post about some of the classes I’m working on right now. My intent is to describe some of these courses, projects and modalities in more detail so potential clients or participants in my private practice can better understand them. These posts will also be helpful to practitioners who may be interested in learning about some of these courses or modalities. I’ll provide links and any information about free resources in connection with these classes or projects.

I’m working my way through Hibiscus Moon’s Certified Crystal Practitioner Course. This course is/was fairly popular for a while since it is known for being thorough, fun and very science based. Hibiscus Moon was (or still is) a National Board Certified Professional Science teacher, and she applies those skills when teaching this course. She also has a tremendous love for crystals, so she teaches about the science and the metaphysical side of using them for various purposes. Hibiscus Moon teaches her students that crystals are powerful energetic tools. She believes that it’s essential that those who use crystals for therapeutic purposes have had the appropriate training in order to do so in an effective, safe and sensible manner.

Some of the topics covered in the course are: the basics of crystal energy (crystal structures, the science of how they work), crystal grids, creating and using sacred space, and crystal healing for animals. She also teaches you how to use a pendulum and make crystal elixirs.

After completing the healing for animals module, I wanted to see if any of my animals were interested in crystals. There were a couple of videos of Hibiscus Moon’s cat Topaz enjoying an amethyst crystal, and other videos showing crystal therapy with dogs and cats. I started offering my cat Tuna time with an amethyst crystal. To my surprise, she absolutely loves it. When I show it to her, she rubs her face on it and puts her head on it.

Tuna and her amethyst druse

In 2020, during the pandemic, Hibiscus Moon customized the Certified Crystal Practitioner course to include remote working skills. This enables her crystal practitioners to work on clients via distance rather than limiting offerings to in-person and hands-on sessions only.

After twelve years of providing her popular course, Hibiscus Moon’s Crystal Academy stopped directly providing her certification course (and her advanced crystal course as well). Hibiscus Moon is semi-retired and is now focusing on her hobbies and new acts of service (my guess is she’s up-leveling). She’s collaborating with someone she calls Zia Sandra on new class offerings. To the best of my understanding, she’s teaching her Zia Sandra how to run an online business/academy, and they will offer classes on Italian Folk Magic and The Old Religion. I’m aware that Zia Sandra opened an academy (Zia Sandra’s Academy) and offered a workshop on Italian Amulet Magic, but I didn’t attend.

The good news is that Hibiscus Moon isn’t completely done with crystals and some of her resources are still available. For example, her book on Crystal Grids is available on Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and in audiobook form. I’ll add the link here. I recommend buying the paperback version since there are a few photos to show how to arrange the grids.

She also has a popular YouTube channel with videos on probably any crystal you can imagine. Old posts from her blog are still available as well.

Hibiscus Moon’s Crystal Academy has over 3000 graduates worldwide, and they are listed here if you’re interested in having a session with one of them. Or you can wait for me to finish. ;)

July 3, 2024 update: I mentioned in this post that Hibiscus Moon’s Crystal Academy stopped directly providing the Certified Crystal Practitioner course. My intention was to provide a link to the new facilitator’s website for any interested practitioners; however, that facilitator is no longer offering the course. Unless you enrolled prior to January 1, 2024, the course is no longer offered through Hibiscus Moon’s Crystal Academy, the new facilitator, or anyone else. If I find out that the status changes, I’ll provide another update here.

Louise Taylor

I want to dedicate this post to Louise Taylor, a woman who had a huge influence on me.

To explain how I came across her, I have to start at the beginning, when I first became interested in the healing arts. Early on, I started checking out books from the library on dreams, reincarnation and similar topics. I found a book on self-hypnosis and started practicing and experimenting with it and found that it was something that came easily to me. The book suggested that you make a recording of the hypnotic induction (in other words, record yourself playing the hypnotherapist role), and then play the recording back while in a relaxed state so you can hypnotize yourself and plant suggestions. I found the idea of recording myself to be somewhat annoying since my pacing/timing as “hypnotherapist” were skills that weren’t really honed at that point, and I didn’t like the sound of my own voice. It was easier to just memorize the script and go from there, and once I used that method I did find that self-hypnosis worked for my purposes.

Another book I found at the library was Richard Gordon’s book Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience. I loved that book and the idea of polarity therapy so much, it changed everything for me. It was life-changing when I actually got to practice polarity therapy on people because I could feel the energy, and the person I was working on could feel me working with it, moving it around, and getting it to flow. It helped me learn to sense energy, move energy and start to figure out how to interact with practice clients.

Around this time I started meeting and befriending people who were psychic to one degree or another, so my own abilities were enhanced by my connection to each of those people and the work I was doing. One of my friends bought me a small crystal bunny that somehow became a hilarious thing to both of us. She knew I kept the crystal bunny in my pocket when I left the house, and on my nightstand when I slept, so she would use the crystal bunny as a GPS of sorts: a way to locate me whenever she wanted to send me thoughts or contact me (this was before cell phones). Another friend could (and would) regularly wake me up from sleep.

The sometimes hilarious Crystal Bunny

There was a small metaphysical bookstore called “Akashic” on the main street that ran through the city where I lived. They sold books, candles, Tarot cards and crystals (I think the crystal bunny was procured there). I remember when I was there once Barbara Brennan’s book Hands of Light practically fell off the shelf when I walked by it. I looked through it, bought it, and it had a huge influence on me.

When I was in Akashic, I saw a flyer for holistic healing classes. See, back before the internet, you had to market by making paper flyers and putting them in bookstores where your target audience may shop. Bookstores within driving distance of your classes, because this was before Zoom. Anyway, the flyer advertised a series of classes held at a different bookstore in Van Nuys, CA.

That’s where I met Louise Taylor, who taught the classes. I have no idea why this amazing woman was teaching holistic healing in the back of a bookstore in Van Nuys, but I chalk it up to the fact that she was probably an outcast because she was way ahead of her time.

I wish I still had the flyer so I could list the classes exactly as she described them, but I don’t think I have it anymore. I do, however, still have my notes (somewhere). When I find them, I will update this post. But for now I have to rely on memory.

We met in small groups of probably ten people (or fewer). Louise would give us some super old, hard to read Xerox copies of things that were probably very fringe and occult at the time. You know, things like Kirlian photography and a healer’s affect on a cell. But she really knew her stuff and she walked her talk.

One of the classes was on something called magnetic therapy. NOT the magnetic therapy with actual magnets; magnetic therapy where you use your hands as magnets. You use your right (or dominant) hand as the ‘+’ (positive) hand, and you “send” or “push” healing energy with it while it is on the client’s body. You use your left (or non-dominant) hand as the ‘-’ (negative) hand and you “receive” or “pull” energy with it while it is on the client’s body. (Interesting notes: I ended up going to Barbara Brennan’s school sometime around the year 2000, and we learned this exact exercise, just with different terms and a few additional techniques, such as “stop”. Also, I ran into one of the women in Louise’s class at a Barbara Brennan workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico many years later.) Louise demonstrated the techniques and then had us pair up and practice on each other. She clearly explained that, as we pushed and pulled another person’s energy, we needed to send any excess energy out through our elbows to avoid picking anything up from the client. Magnetic therapy is mostly used for pain relief, such as headaches and sore muscles, if I recall correctly. While this technique probably seems outdated, I’m sure it is still very effective.

During class one week, Louise distributed the ancient-looking Xerox copies that were taken from Richard Gordon’s polarity therapy book. The topic for that week was polarity therapy, so I was pretty excited since polarity therapy is my jam. Each week Louise would pick someone from the group and use them as the practice client for demonstration purposes, and I was the practice client for polarity week. She had me remove my shoes and lie down on a massage table while she talked about what she was doing, which involved sending currents of energy through certain energy pathways in the body. While she was talking, I started drifting away a little bit, not really able to hear what she was saying. I glanced down to see what she was doing and, to my total surprise, she was using only one finger to make contact with my pinky toe. There were surges of energy flowing through me, up from my toe, through my leg and torso, up to my head, and back down the other side. It was so powerful, but not overwhelming. It was amazing and inspiring. It was clear to me that the group didn’t know this was happening at all. They didn’t know she was sending energy and she didn’t know how powerfully I was experiencing it. I wondered if she saw potential in me, and was showing me that I could do the same thing, but she was showing me in a very private (but still public) way. It was an amazing one-on-one moment with her, and it still inspires me when I think about it. The group proceeded to do the polarity techniques the “normal” way, with both hands placed on the practice client’s body. After we practiced, Louise took us back to the bookstore’s bathroom to show us how to properly wash our hands, ground ourselves and clear excess energy from our hands and arms using the water faucet and certain hand movements. Those techniques are used to remove any energy picked up from the client, and I still use them to this day.

The private moment I had with her was not the only thing she shared in that covert way. There were other things she shared, for example by having them sitting out in the room or on a table or mantel, but she never pointed them out or spoke about them. There was one thing in particular that I saw (it was a book), that she never mentioned. But later I found the book at Akashic so I could see what it was all about, and it became another major influence on my life. In retrospect, I understand that she was never trying to push anything on anyone, but gave people the opportunity to notice something, investigate it for themselves if interested, and have their own experience of it.

Louise gave additional classes on the topics of Therapeutic Touch, candle magick, acupressure, chakras (using Barbara Brennan’s Hands of Light book), and light and color therapy.

Separately from the classes, she made her own recording of a couple of color therapy mediations and offered the tapes for sale. In the recording, she walks you through visualizations of the colors associated with each chakra in combination with images of crystals/gemstones to help you clear and charge each energy center. I bought a copy from her and still have the tape.

I Googled Louise a few years ago and believe she has passed on to her next great adventure. Additional creative Googling helped me stumble upon a book she wrote called Simple Ways to Wellness. It’s a workbook that describes different self-help healing techniques for various ailments. In the book, Louise shows you how to use acupressure, visualization, color therapy and affirmations for each affliction.

The variety of techniques I learned (or enhanced) from my time with Louise really inspired me to take up healing as a serious hobby, and eventually as a subject of lifelong learning. I’m so grateful to have met such a talented and inspiring individual. If anyone who reads this ever knew her or learned from her, please reach out. I’d love to hear your stories about her.

Spirit Within Tarot

In my last post, I mentioned a Tarot group that I participate in once a month (or more). When our group meets, we all read on the same subject and share our cards and interpretations with the group. A few of the members have inquired about some of the decks I use, so I thought I would post a few of them here for anyone in the Tarot group or anyone else who is interested.

This is not a deck review. I just want to share a few details about the deck and check on the availability of it since some of the decks I use are rare, hard to find or out of print.

The Spirit Within Tarot is a Waite-Smith based deck that uses silhouettes for the figures in the cards. In my experience, the cards stimulate intuitive readings by using the shadowy but familiar figures and carefully chosen colors and details.

The Empress and Page of Swords from the Spirit Within Tarot

The images are easy to read and do not overwhelm you with information. The cards seem to get right to the point when you ask them a question.

Justice and the Ace of Cups from the Spirit Within Tarot

The deck comes in a nice magnetic box with a full-color booklet. It has a “voice of the card” blurb for each card in the deck. For example, the sentence for the Justice card is, “I am the one who will reward or punish you for the seeds you have sown, whether you still remember them or not!” Then there is a description of the images on the card, a paragraph about how to think about or interpret the card, and some keywords. Keywords listed for Justice are: fairness, balance, karma, the truth.

The deck was published by Red Feather in 2018, but is still available. There are copies on Amazon for $20, or you can get one for $25 if you prefer to support a small business like Tarot Garden.

Benebell Wen did a great review of this deck and her images are waaaaaay better than mine. She wisely chose not to photograph the deck in a dark house during a thunderstorm with white Husky fur on her reading mat.

My June 2024 Tarot Reading

For a long time, I’ve been meaning to write a blog post about how to tell a good Tarot reader from a fake one. I haven’t written that post yet, and will not do it now, but I do have first-hand information about what getting a good Tarot reading is like.

I’m part of a group of Tarot readers who get together once a month (or sometimes more often) to talk about current events and practice Tarot reading together. One of the readers in the group offered to do practice readings for those in our group in one-on-one settings, so I volunteered. The reader, G.C., set up a Zoom meeting for us, and we met this evening for my Tarot reading.

In order to prepare for the reading, I had to think about my question. There are at least five areas of my life that are competing for attention right now, so I wanted G.C. to look into least one or two of them during our reading. I told her that I had a lot going on in at least five areas of my life, and I was thrilled to hear that G.C. wasn’t overwhelmed by all I have going on. She said she’d throw cards on all five areas to get a general sense of what’s going on currently each situation. I ended up only asking about four areas of life/situations, and G.C. still read for me for almost an hour. For each question, she focused on the area of inquiry, shuffled, and laid the cards down in front of her. Then G.C. picked each card up one at a time and held it in front of the camera to show me the card and describe her interpretation of it. (Note: G.C. pulled several cards for each situation. After our reading and using my own deck, I pulled three cards from my notes about each of G.C.’s readings. I’ve photographed and uploaded them to highlight a few for this blog post.)

“Situation 1.” This situation is a potential opportunity to return to something (work) I did earlier in life. The opportunity arose in a convoluted way, and also out of nowhere, it seems. I have a lot of history with this work “thing”; some experiences were really good and some were absolutely terrible. I’m excited about it when I think about the good times, but I’m also cautious about re-engaging with it. I’m also somewhat concerned that I’ll be pressed to make a quick decision about whether or not I choose to act on the opportunity.

Situation 1 cards: The Devil, Death, Ten of Wands

G.C. pulled several cards (three lines of five cards, if I remember correctly) for this situation and the cards that appeared are troublesome. When she showed them to me, I felt like they reflected my concerns. There weren’t many cards that spoke to the good history I had with the work “thing”. The Ten of Wands really shows how burdened I was by all of the responsibility (and other negative aspects), and that card may be cautioning me that I’d be overly burdened by it again.

Sign of a good Tarot reader: When reading about a concerning situation, they pull cards that reflect your concerns. The cards may reflect your fears or concerns back to you. They may confirm that your intuition or gut feelings about the concerning situation are right on.

Some of my worries about re-engaging with Situation 1 have to do with problematic things that transpired in the past, and the way it burdened me. I told G.C. that Situation 1 is “the Devil I know”. In other words, if I find myself there again, I have a good idea of the problems I may encounter. In response, G.C. made it clear that she would not tell me what to do (in terms of acting on the opportunity or not), but it was obvious to both of us from the cards she pulled that this is something that doesn’t look like an especially attractive offer at this time. G.C. told me to trust my intuition.

“Situation 2.” G.C. asked if I had any questions or needed any additional cards thrown for Situation 1. When I said “no”, she said she’d read on Situation 2. G.C. said she had another deck handy and would use it for reading about the next area of inquiry.

Sign of a good Tarot reader: The reader is prepared. G.C. was so prepared, in fact, that she used FOUR different decks to read on each of the four different situations I described. While this is not meant to imply that every Tarot reader should have multiple decks, or use multiple decks for readings, but in this case all four decks were very helpful. There were certain cards that appeared multiple times. The Sun, Queen of Wands, Nine of Cups and Six of Wands each appeared more than once. G.C. explained that because she used multiple decks, we could be certain that those cards that showed up more than once were absolutely meant to appear. We did not need to wonder if they appeared multiple times due to insufficient shuffling because G.C. used a different deck for each situation.

Situation 2 cards: The Empress, Three of Pentacles, The Sun

The cards for Situation 2 had a much better feel to them. The Empress represents abundance and, as G.C. mentioned, a mother figure who, in this case, appreciates me. The Sun card appeared to represent happiness and joy. The Three of Pentacles shows a positive collaboration. The most negative card that appeared in the reading on this topic was the Two of Swords (inner conflict). G.C. and I both felt that the Two of Swords popped up in the reading only because of my own indecision/anxiety about Situation 2 as a whole.

G.C. told me her interpretation of each card based on what she was hearing (she’s clairaudient) and the feel of the energy of each card as she pulled it. It was super helpful to get her take on the situation since she’s an objective person reading the cards (as opposed to a person close to the situation with biased opinions).

“Situation 3.” I didn’t really plan to ask about this topic, but did so on a whim. G.C. pulled another deck to use (all were variations of the Waite-Smith deck) to read about this area of my life. When she was shuffling, it was as if I could feel her tapping into the energy of the situation.

Situation 3 cards: Ace of Wands, Ten of Swords, The Hanged Man

Sign of a good Tarot reader: You can feel them accessing the information that answers your question. Or, put another way, you can feel them accessing the situation so they can access the information that will answer your question.

G.C.’s body language and facial expression changed when shuffling the cards to read about each situation. For this Situation 3, the energy I picked up from her was different than when she read on the other topics. It was almost like she was sitting next to me, looking at all things related to my business (which was Situation 3, the question I asked). G.C. didn’t need to travel the entire universe, turn around and come back again to get the answer to my question. She just needed to tap into the energy of my business, focus on the cards, shuffle and interpret what she saw, which is exactly what she did.

Many, if not most, of the cards for this topic were favorable. G.C. didn’t know anything about my business, and I didn’t tell her anything about it prior to her shuffling, but the cards she pulled seemed exactly right. Two cards that appeared next to each other were the Ace of Wands (new ideas, beginnings) and the Ten of Swords (a card of loss). G.C. gave me her interpretation, which included the word “growth”, but also “something coming to an end”, which referred to the Ten of Swords. This is exactly in alignment with some of my (hopefully) evolved thinking about my business based on recent advice from teachers and other business owners and practitioners. My plan is to focus on what’s currently working in my business including new areas of growth (Ace of Wands), and temporarily discontinue or simply no longer offer (Ten of Swords) some of the other services I’ve provided to clients.

Interestingly, G.C. mentioned meditation when the Hanged Man card appeared in the reading. Key words for the Hanged Man include surrender, hindrance, and delay, but it can also mean a change of perspective. G.C. said she saw me meditating on something. Again, I didn’t tell her about my business or anything I offer (with the exception of Tarot readings, which I only mentioned as something that I may discontinue based on the Ace of Wands + Ten of Swords combination). But she was right on with her interpretation. Meditation is an important aspect of my practice so I can provide some of the services I offer here. Certain healing techniques require weeks of meditative practice before I can offer them to another person (or animal). Even then, I must regularly use the technique to keep that certain vibration in my auric field or I will temporarily lose the ability I gained through practice. At that point, I would have to start over again from scratch, and meditate daily again until I can hold and then transfer that certain vibration to the client. Other techniques are done entirely with focused conscious awareness and are then “sent” to the client remotely, which obviously takes practice. At any rate, this meditative skill is obviously an area of continued focus since I do so much healing through distance, so G.C. got it right.

“Situation 4.” I was laughing out loud when G.C. started shuffling with the intention to see what I need to know about this situation. Her face and body language changed again while she focused and shuffled. I felt like I could tell she was tapping into the energy of the situation, and my thought was, “That seems about right!”, meaning that I felt that she was there, actually IN the situation. She turned over cards that were mostly favorable, with a hint of something else. She turned the first card over (it was the King of Pentacles) and asked a question that was right on.

Situation 4 cards: Queen of Swords, Two of Pentacles, King of Cups

Sign of a good Tarot reader: They ask questions that let you know they have tapped into the energy of your situation. G.C. pulled the King of Pentacles and I immediately knew who the card represented. G.C. asked me if the person involved in the Situation (the person I thought of) was male, and I confirmed it. This gave me confidence that she understood the question I asked, tapped into the energy of the situation, and pulled the right cards. You should have this “good” or “yes!” feeling when someone reads cards for you, regardless of whether the cards are “good” or “bad”. That’s not to imply that you should feel “yes!” if the cards are positive. It just means that you should feel that the Tarot reader, the cards, the situation and you are all in alignment. The reader and the cards should resonate with you in a way that makes you feel understood.

The reading from G.C. about Situation 4 and all other situations were very much in alignment with my own thoughts, feelings and beliefs about them. That isn’t to say that they weren’t helpful readings because they absolutely were. The readings were helpful and useful because each set of cards had a meaning attached that helped me progress in my thinking about each of the four situations.

For example, in Situation 1, the reading helped me realize that I was probably putting a bit of lipstick on a pig in terms of how I was thinking about the thing and the opportunity. I was doing so in an effort to be forgiving or at least objective. That’s fine, but the reading helped me realize it is probably a good idea not to re-engage with it. That’s not a decision I felt I should make because the reading or the Tarot reader said not to do it; it is a conclusion I’ve drawn based on the information the cards provided. There’s a difference. My decision is my own, based on my own thoughts and feelings, and I take responsibility for it.

For Situation 2, G.C.’s reading helped me understand that I probably don’t need to be as cautious as I have been about it. G.C. mentioned positive aspects of the situation that I know are there, but I tend to overlook. The reading helped me evolve my thinking on the topic.

For Situation 3, the reading confirmed that I need to re-think what I’m offering in my business and make adjustments based on what I know now. This is something I’ve been considering, but I hadn’t finalized the decision until today.

And for Situation 4, the cards confirmed that it just is what it is. While there aren’t any monsters hiding behind Door 4, Situation 4 may never be what I want it to be. That is truly helpful. I don’t need to expend any energy to try to change it.

I hope this post was helpful in terms of illustrating what the experience of getting a good Tarot reading can look like.

A good Tarot reader will help empower you, but will not tell you what to do. They should not attempt to take your power away. A good Tarot reader will provide you with insight into the energy of a situation that will help you make an informed decision on your own.

If you are in alignment with your reader, and your questions are answered and you feel understood, getting a Tarot reading can be tremendously helpful. It can assist you with clarifying your thoughts and provide you with insight to help you make informed decisions in all areas of your life.

Headspace meditation app

Headspace is a mindfulness and meditation app for everyday people. The app helps you practice and learn meditation and mindfulness skills by using it a few minutes every day.

Headspace was founded in 2010 by Richard Pierson and Andy Puddicombe. Puddicombe is a former Buddhist monk and the narrator for most of the daily guided mediations. (Note: he did a TED talk that you can find on YouTube.)

I’ve been using Headspace for a few years, and they are always adding new content. When you log in, there are several categories from which to choose. The one I use most is on the home page, Everyday Headspace.

EVERYDAY HEADSPACE. The top of the page will bring you to any “packs” you’re working through (described below), so you can pick up where you left off the last time you logged into the app. There is another section called “Everybody Headspace” where you can join a live group meditation. The group meditation section shows you the time that the next live session will start. You do not hear or interact with anyone else while doing a group meditation; you just join the session at the same time as the others and meditate together (separately). At the bottom of the home page is “Everyday Headspace”. New sessions are offered each day, and each session has a unique theme. For example, today’s session was titled “Problematic Thoughts”. You can choose a session that lasts for 3, 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes. Then Andy Puddicombe will speak for a few minutes on the day’s topic and guide you through a meditation.

Forgive the blurry photo.

Forgive the blurry photo.

Once you complete your meditation, Headspace will show your stats. These include your total minutes meditated (this rounds up to the nearest thousand after you’ve been doing it a while) and your running streak for number of days meditated in a row. The quote at the bottom of the page was from today’s theme (“problematic thoughts”, mentioned above).

PACKS. Aside from the Everyday Headspace section, you can also choose to work through what Headspace calls a “pack”. A pack is a set of meditations that have a theme. For example, the Basic pack has 10 sessions. Ideally you’d do one session a day (the mediations probably last ten minutes). When you log in, you’ll be prompted to complete the next mediation in your pack, but you can choose to do another meditation instead.

There are three “Basics” packs with ten sessions each. Recently they began offering a “Headspace 365” pack with 365 sessions.

Other packs have themes like health. Examples include “Coping with Cravings”, “Managing Anxiety”, “Sleep”, and “Pain Management”. Each of those include 30 sessions. Packs with a happiness theme include “Patience” (10 sessions, “Self-Esteem” (10 sessions) and “Relationships” (30 sessions). Another category focuses on work and performance issues. Packs include “Productivity” (10 sessions), “Prioritization'“ (10 sessions) and “Creativity” (30 sessions). One of my favorite sections is called “Brave”. It includes packs called “Reframing Loneliness” (10 sessions), “Handling Sadness” (30 sessions) and “Transforming Anger” (10 sessions). The guided meditations in these packs vary by topic. The app will show you the ones you’ve completed, and you have the option to work through them more than once.

BUDDIES. Headspace includes a feature that allows you to connect with friends on the app. Being buddies on Headspace allows you to see your friend’s activity in the app, including the last time they meditated, their total minutes meditated and their “meditation streak” (number of days meditated in a row). Just thought I’d mention that I had a streak of over 800 days going. It was broken when I went on a business trip. I meditated every day, but the app didn’t register my sessions (probably due to the lousy internet connection at the hotel). I didn’t know it at the time, but you can contact Headspace if your streak is broken because your session wasn’t captured. They are able to verify that you meditated and can correct your numbers, if necessary.


SINGLES. There is another section with what Headspace calls “Singles”. Singles are one-off sessions with a theme. For example, the “Food” theme has single sessions for eating without distraction and eating with your senses. If you enjoy walking, you can choose single sessions for walking in the city or adding joy to your walking. There are several sports and competition-related sessions, with themes like cycling and running. Headspace recently added singles with themes like “Living Through Unemployment” (guided meditations for managing anger, adapting to sudden change, managing anxiety, etc.) and “SOS” (meditations to use when you feel burned out, overwhelmed or flustered).

KIDS. Headspace offers Singles for kids age 5 and under. Themes include “Good Morning”, “Paying Attention” and “Sleep Tight”.

There are additional choices in the Animation section of Headspace. I found a section called “Sesame Street x Headspace” this morning that included an animation for kids called “I-Sense with Cookie Monster” and another titled “Grover Can Do It”. I completed the latter, you know, for research purposes*. It was a 3 minute and 15 section animation featuring Grover and Andy Puddicombe.

Less-overwhelmed Grover

Less-overwhelmed Grover

In the animation, Grover was overwhelmed by his to-do list, so Andy explained to Grover that it is best to work through that feeling by focusing on completing one thing at a time. You can see in the photo that Grover is happy because he just got dressed and was able to cross one more thing off of his list.

ANIMATIONS. I just mentioned the Animations section, but there is more to it. Headspace has animations to help you understand the basic skills used in the guided meditations. One example is the body scan, which is a skill used in most (if not all) of the everyday mediations. This is a simple mental scan of your body from head to toe, just to see how your body is feeling that day.

I’m not sure how the animations section works right now. When I first started using the app, you would unlock new animations by completing a certain number of sessions. So I don’t know if you’re able to see everything now, or if you still unlock content by completing sessions.

Earlier today I noticed that there are new videos introducing Andy Puddicombe and Eve Lewis (the female voice of Headspace) in the Animations section.

OTHER DETAILS. You can use Headspace by downloading the app or pulling it up in a browser.

Some content (the Basic pack, I think) is available for free. Subscription fees run about $13 a month.. I’m no math whiz, but you can save money with an annual subscription for around $70. Note: it auto-renews.

Due to the pandemic, Headspace is offering its app free for all people who are currently unemployed in the US. If you are interested, go to I have not used this, but it is my understanding that Headspace relies on the honor system for verification of an individual’s unemployment status.

This is not a sponsored post.

*OK, I admit that I’m a big Sesame Street fan (Grover and Kermit included).