In my last post, I mentioned a Tarot group that I participate in once a month (or more). When our group meets, we all read on the same subject and share our cards and interpretations with the group. A few of the members have inquired about some of the decks I use, so I thought I would post a few of them here for anyone in the Tarot group or anyone else who is interested.
This is not a deck review. I just want to share a few details about the deck and check on the availability of it since some of the decks I use are rare, hard to find or out of print.
The Spirit Within Tarot is a Waite-Smith based deck that uses silhouettes for the figures in the cards. In my experience, the cards stimulate intuitive readings by using the shadowy but familiar figures and carefully chosen colors and details.
The Empress and Page of Swords from the Spirit Within Tarot
The images are easy to read and do not overwhelm you with information. The cards seem to get right to the point when you ask them a question.
Justice and the Ace of Cups from the Spirit Within Tarot
The deck comes in a nice magnetic box with a full-color booklet. It has a “voice of the card” blurb for each card in the deck. For example, the sentence for the Justice card is, “I am the one who will reward or punish you for the seeds you have sown, whether you still remember them or not!” Then there is a description of the images on the card, a paragraph about how to think about or interpret the card, and some keywords. Keywords listed for Justice are: fairness, balance, karma, the truth.
The deck was published by Red Feather in 2018, but is still available. There are copies on Amazon for $20, or you can get one for $25 if you prefer to support a small business like Tarot Garden.
Benebell Wen did a great review of this deck and her images are waaaaaay better than mine. She wisely chose not to photograph the deck in a dark house during a thunderstorm with white Husky fur on her reading mat.