Sign of a good Tarot reader: You can feel them accessing the information that answers your question. Or, put another way, you can feel them accessing the situation so they can access the information that will answer your question.
G.C.’s body language and facial expression changed when shuffling the cards to read about each situation. For this Situation 3, the energy I picked up from her was different than when she read on the other topics. It was almost like she was sitting next to me, looking at all things related to my business (which was Situation 3, the question I asked). G.C. didn’t need to travel the entire universe, turn around and come back again to get the answer to my question. She just needed to tap into the energy of my business, focus on the cards, shuffle and interpret what she saw, which is exactly what she did.
Many, if not most, of the cards for this topic were favorable. G.C. didn’t know anything about my business, and I didn’t tell her anything about it prior to her shuffling, but the cards she pulled seemed exactly right. Two cards that appeared next to each other were the Ace of Wands (new ideas, beginnings) and the Ten of Swords (a card of loss). G.C. gave me her interpretation, which included the word “growth”, but also “something coming to an end”, which referred to the Ten of Swords. This is exactly in alignment with some of my (hopefully) evolved thinking about my business based on recent advice from teachers and other business owners and practitioners. My plan is to focus on what’s currently working in my business including new areas of growth (Ace of Wands), and temporarily discontinue or simply no longer offer (Ten of Swords) some of the other services I’ve provided to clients.
Interestingly, G.C. mentioned meditation when the Hanged Man card appeared in the reading. Key words for the Hanged Man include surrender, hindrance, and delay, but it can also mean a change of perspective. G.C. said she saw me meditating on something. Again, I didn’t tell her about my business or anything I offer (with the exception of Tarot readings, which I only mentioned as something that I may discontinue based on the Ace of Wands + Ten of Swords combination). But she was right on with her interpretation. Meditation is an important aspect of my practice so I can provide some of the services I offer here. Certain healing techniques require weeks of meditative practice before I can offer them to another person (or animal). Even then, I must regularly use the technique to keep that certain vibration in my auric field or I will temporarily lose the ability I gained through practice. At that point, I would have to start over again from scratch, and meditate daily again until I can hold and then transfer that certain vibration to the client. Other techniques are done entirely with focused conscious awareness and are then “sent” to the client remotely, which obviously takes practice. At any rate, this meditative skill is obviously an area of continued focus since I do so much healing through distance, so G.C. got it right.