Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine

I often recommend Donna Eden's Daily Energy routine to my clients.  It is a quick self-care routine that only takes about five minutes.   The routine supports your health, brings your energies into balance, assists with strengthening your immune system, and helps build resistance to stress and illness.  These simple exercises will help you: focus if you have difficulty concentrating, increase your vitality, release mental congestion and clear toxins from your body.

I do (a customized version of) the routine once every morning.  You can experiment with doing it twice daily if you are working through something, but please be aware that running through the routine at night may keep you awake for a while.  For that reason, do it once in the morning and once in the afternoon. If possible, do it at the same time every day, especially at the time when your energy slumps in the afternoon. This will help to (re-)train your energy system so that it doesn't slump.

The benefits/effects of performing this routine are cumulative, so doing the exercises daily for 28 days is recommended to help you establish positive energy habits.  For this reason, I am adding a link to Day 1 of "Donna Eden's 28-Day Daily Energy Routine Challenge".  Donna Eden demonstrates the routine on the first day, and then the routine is performed by others (teachers, students, her daughters, etc.) on subsequent days.  (Note: I apologize that Donna is hard to hear in the video, but the audio quality improves somewhat in the other videos.)

Donna's Daily Energy Routine is flexible and has evolved over the years, so there are many different versions of it.  The 2008 version of "Energy Medicine" shows the "Three Thumps", which is now the "Four Thumps", for example.  So feel free to take what works for you, add anything that helps you and discard the rest.